Burgas CoLiving

Building a wellness community

Hello, hello, dear wonderful community,

This blog post will be about travelling and working, of course, but from a different perspective.

A few weeks ago we had the opportunity to visit the amazing The Living Room Coworking in the P2P exchange of the European Creative Hubs Network.

A few words about what exactly this program is. The P2P Learning Program gives hub managers the opportunity to be part of a 5-days long peer-to-peer exchange that aims to engage and connect peers of established and emerging creative hubs across Europe. The main goal of this exchange is to help managers seek new formats of cross-sectoral cooperation, initiate projects of co-creation or collaborative plans and share knowledge and expertise across Europe.

This program is organised by ECHN – European Creative Hubs Network and co-funded by the European Union. So we are very happy to be members of ECHN and glad we had the chance to do this exchange called Building a wellness community.

TRL is one of the most famous and loved coworkings in Europe. It is located in one of the most beautiful cities in Spain – Malaga.  

Main objectives

The main objectives of our exchange were to share experiences and best practices on how to successfully build a community of digital nomads, freelancers, and entrepreneurs. We aimed to determine our roles as hub managers in creating the right environment for the digital nomad community to grow and develop. Additionally, we discussed how to implement wellness practices into the daily lives of community members, the impact that the digital nomad community can have on the city in which it is located, and how the community can expand beyond the hub walls in the future.

and what happened …

We participated in a variety of joint activities organized by our hosts. Each day, we engaged in discussions on different topics related to building and managing a digital nomad community within both coliving and coworking spaces, as well as implementing wellness practices into daily routines.

I had the opportunity to interact not only with the hub manager and the TLR team, but also to meet and communicate with members of the TLR community, learning more about their interests and lives as digital nomads. I fully immersed myself in the daily life at TLR, discovering what life is like at the hub, how it is organized, and how members participate in the various events that take place there.  

From the moment I stepped into the hub, I was amazed by the welcoming and hospitable atmosphere. It is one of the best-organized coworking spaces I have ever visited. Clearly, Ben and the team understand how to meet the needs of the entire community and, importantly, how to build and maintain that community. 

Outside of the discussions sessions and the lovely talks I had a chance to join the community in guided breathing sessions, lead by Ben and ice bathing, acticities that TLR has been developing in their community since August 2024.

I also spent two afternoons exploring the Andalusian gem, Malaga, which provided me with insight into why this city is so attractive regardless of the season.

The final event

The final event was truly special for everyone involved. I had the opportunity to speak in front of the TLR community on the topic: “Traveling Mindfully: Crafting Your Wellness Routine No Matter Where You Are,” and to engage in discussion with them. Everyone shared their experiences, challenges, and visions for how community-focused hubs can evolve in this direction. Afterward, we all enjoyed a lovely dinner at a local restaurant.