Love art

We love art

We love art, we live for Art. This is something you will easily notice when you visit Burgas Coliving. Just before we open in 2022, we asked local artists to help us with paintings. We were so surprised how many amazing people contacted us and gave us beautiful paintings. We were shocked and couldn’t express our gratitude.

In this admirable moment, we took the responsibility to pass on the good and help more people discover their secret talent.


We need art in our lives

We believe that everyone needs art in their lives. It doesn’t matter if it’s music, painting or writing. You just need to try to do something with your brain. Something beautiful that will help you be more creative, relaxed and more balanced.

That will be our mission in the future, to push you a little to try new things and discover your secret abilities.

Our first workshop was a blast.

We tried to make team paintings with an unpredictable result at the end. The rules were simple and fun. Everyone started painting and after 5 minutes swapped their painting with whoever was left. So this crazy art wheel of fortune continued until you got your painting. In our case 11 people worked on the same painting and the end result was impressive.

The freedom to choose the subject of your own painting is maybe the hardest part. Most people find it easier to work on a project that has already been set by someone and is the same for everyone. 

Working in a team on a painting is a completely different story. You’d be surprised how people can collaborate without words and create magic together. Something that seems empty and boring at the beginning turns into a masterpiece after a few touches.

We believe these classes help people express themselves and build a stronger relationship with others in the community. Our plans are to organize these events every week with different themes and painting techniques.